Wednesday, June 11, 2008


This explains a lot about my family, I think. Here's a dream Daniel had the night before my birthday:

I woke from an interesting dream this morning. In it I had been at a meeting of an elite society of RC model airplane fliers (who, by the way, were the cast of American Idol). I happened to run into you at this event. A bunch of funny stuff happened but its all jumbled in my memory.

However, I do remember how it all ended. We decided to go down to the Beach to fly our planes. On the walk, you and I were skipping around, doing some free-style walking while talking in the Jelly Voice. The odd thing was that every time there was a lull in the conversation you would started saying "eep eep eep" in a very rhythmic sort of Jelly Voice. When I questioned you on it, you claimed that you had always done the "Jelly Chirp." And then I realized that my alarm clock makes the same rhythmic chirping when it goes off. This dreamland Megan was an imposter cast by my mind as a disguise for my real
world alarm clock.


Anonymous said...

You guys must have really great parents! I'm pretty sure that's the correct interpretation of this dream.

Megan said...

I wonder who that anonymous person might be. I wonder, I wonder...