Thursday, November 22, 2007

American Tradition

The Candy Cane is apparently an American tradition, considered old fashioned in foreign lands. They don't actually eat them here. Ricky didn't even know they were peppermint flavored. Hopefully I can find some at the store, but I'm not going to get my hopes up.

I'm in utter shock.

Happy Thanksgiving. We're doing T-day dinner tomorrow. The other Americans are cooking it, thank goodness.


Anonymous said...

Come on. You could contribute the pumpkin cheesecake. I guess candy canes in GB have gone the way of the red poppy tradition in America.

Haley said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

When we were in Sweden, these boys became entranced by our Burt's Bees chapstick. They said it smells really good, "like this special candy we have here. It's red and white and shaped like this (draws a hook in the air)."

Unknown said...

You make me laugh.