Tuesday, November 6, 2007

If My Suitcase Explodes, Take Cover

I'm leaving this afternoon and I couldn't be more pleased to say so; after wasting hours on Virgin Atlantic's near-useless website (actual flight quality t.b.a.) and one useless phone call, I childishly recruited my mother to call them for me and figure it all out. It was a good thing, too, because mother managed to have a useful person answer the phone, and our questions.

In short, I'm relieved to be checked-in.

In other news, I've discovered that despite my self-proclaimed virtuosity in the art of creating neutron star-like suitcases, I have not managed to pack everything I want to take into two suitcases. I may end up wearing six sweaters and my Kirkland (ugg) boots on the plane to save space (ugh).

Boarding time is this afternoon at 5:30ish, at SFO.

And thanks to all of you who have been financially supportive of this thing. I haven't quite reached my goal in terms of finances, but I'm getting close! I'll keep you updated on that as I go. You are making it possible for me to do this, so thank you very, very much!


Holly Brim said...

I can't wait to see what all you'll be wearing on the plane back home... (remember Thailand?).

Anonymous said...

Megs! Miss you already! I know God has great plans for your service over there.
I sure hope your neutron star suitcase doesn't explode on the plane cause then they'd think you're a terrorist!
Vicariously Haunted Mansion.

Allison said...

haha i know ireland is cold and all, but i think you might sweat to death if you wear 6 sweaters on the plane! haha. love you and miss you tons!